Playing online games is a new trend in the market, and many American homes are subscribing to internet services in order to be a part of the online gaming community. The worst thing that can happen to a gamer is to have latency when playing online games. It’s like if you’re watching your favorite Netflix movie with your friends or family, but the video keeps buffering which is extremely frustrating. Gamers share the same aggravation when their internet goes off or slows down during a game.

For those unfamiliar with the term, game lag occurs when there is a delay between the activity of the players and the response of the gaming server. This is one of the most aggravating things, which a gamer can go through. It’s really annoying since the slowness might force you to lose a game. If your opponent’s internet connection is faster than yours, and your server takes too long to respond, your odds of winning are very low.

Assume, you are in the middle of a game that you’re winning, and the action is heating up. It could be a sports game like FIFA or a shooting game like Fortnite, and you’re on the verge of victory when your game stalls owing to significant latency and lag, and you lose. How would you feel at that time? Not good of course.

To make sure, this doesn’t happen to you, you need to get services through internet service providers like Cox which doesn’t just offer high-speed internet but also offers consistency and reliability. No matter which plans you get with Cox internet, you will be getting the best gaming experience. You can contact Cox customer service to get a plan that suits your needs and budget.

Moreover, in this article, we will give you a few tips that will help you out in reducing lag and high latency and will improve your internet speed.

Bandwidth and Internet speed

Many folks believe that in order to play online games, they must have a lightning-fast internet connection, which is not true. You definitely need a solid internet connection that is reliable and fast, but you don’t need to spend a lot of money on something that looks sophisticated and is costly.

It all depends on how much time you spend on the internet. If you play online games on 2-3 devices at the same time, a regular internet subscription will be enough for you. If numerous individuals in the house undertake additional web-related activities such as streaming, downloading huge files, or video conferencing on multiple devices, along with you doing online gaming at the same time, you’ll need an ultra-fast internet connection.

Keep in mind that the speed you receive will be shared among all connected devices. If you use numerous devices at the same time, your internet speed will suffer, and you will have difficulties such as severe latency and lag while playing online games. Furthermore, when gaming, disconnect any linked devices from your internet connection. The speed and bandwidth will be significantly improved after you do that, as you will get the dedicated speed.

Low latency is the goal

The higher the latency, the more lag you’ll experience when playing online, that is a fact. The time it takes for data to travel from your end to the destination is known as network latency. For example, if you’re playing a shooting game with high latency, the action you perform on your end may take some time to appear in the game, and in the meanwhile, you may be killed by your opponent, which can be quite irritating.

Everyone claims to aim for low latency, but how do you achieve that? Connecting your gaming device through an Ethernet connection is the simplest and most convenient approach to work on latency. As you’ll be getting straight speed from the server, this will improve bandwidth. When you connect your device to your internet connection over a Wi-Fi network, the speeds are shared among all connected devices, so you don’t get the dedicated speeds. When you will face less latency, you will enjoy the best gaming experience.

Get Elite Gamer Base Connection

Those who play games on a computer should totally get an elite gamer base connection. It will improve your gaming experience by reducing lag by up to 30%, resulting in low latency and the finest possible gaming experience. With the elite gamer base connection, you receive a more solid internet.

Elite gamer is built to keep you and your team connected and one step ahead of your opponents, and the technology is built to provide the most engaging gaming experience possible. A sophisticated routing system is employed, which discovers a faster path to your server and aids in the optimization of your internet connection.

Always use compatible equipment

When you sign up for internet service, the provider will give you the equipment that is compatible with your internet connection. Many people don’t realize this since the equipment may cost a few dollars each month, but believe me when I say it’s well worth it. To ensure that the consumers receive constant speeds, internet service providers build equipment that is compatible with the internet connection through which they provide services.

Many people use their own equipment to save a few bucks and later they face issues like high latency and a poor network connection. If you don’t want to utilize the company’s equipment, make sure you inform them what type of equipment you have, and whether or not it will work for you. Also, keep your equipment’s firmware up to date from time to time.

Summing it up

We understand how frustrating it can be for a gamer to face issues regarding their internet connection and that’s why we did our research and made this guide for you. Follow the above-mentioned points and you will see a clear difference in your internet speed. You have the option of switching to a different provider or just upgrading your internet subscription by contacting your existing provider. Just make sure you get what you need, not too fancy, not too basic!

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