How to Power Cycle Wyze Camera

How to Power Cycle Wyze Camera

The WYZE camera has raised the bar for CCTV innovation. Everything appears to be new, from improved monitoring to an adaptable design. However, some users also receive a nag: Error Code 90 in WYZE.

This issue happens when you try to activate the WYZE camera settings or review the footage. Because it’s become a popular topic recently, We researched how to power cycle Wyze camera and provide you with several amazingly useful DIY solutions to this recurrent issue. So without ado, let’s get started;

Useful solutions on how to power cycle Wyze camera

1.     Why isn’t the WYZE Cam working?

WYZE Error Code 90 is a “common” error, which means it can occur at any time. However, in 97 percent of cases, the following individuals are to blame:

It could be the Wi-Fi frequency if there is still a connection issue and repeated time-outs throughout the setup. Some Wi-Fi routers today support both 2.4GHz and 5GHz frequencies.

As a result, double-check that you’re linked to the 2.4GHz Wi-Fi connection. WYZE Error Code 90 is also caused by slow internet connections or connections that are more restricted than usual.

Check that no major equipment is interfering with the WYZE camera’s accessibility to signals; else, an error path may be paved.

Corrosion and day-to-day malfunctions can also occur, which can be resolved by disconnecting the wires/sockets, etc., and replugging them. In most cases, simple solutions may be used to tackle these troublesome issues.

If Wi-Fi channels become too crowded, they may end up spending more bandwidth than the WYZE Cam requires, resulting in WYZE Error Code 90. It’s also possible that the SD Card is to blame! There’s a good chance WYZE Error Code 90 will appear, whereas if inserted SD card is corrupt. The reason for this is that SD Card corruption prevents the camera’s live feed from being processed properly. It can sometimes entirely stop it.

2.     How can I restart my WYZE camera?

Power cycling, or turning an electrical gadget entirely off, is normally done by unplugging it from all power sources.

This method of troubleshooting allows you to restore the device and its connections without needing to go through all of the time-consuming formal procedures.

Power cycling can be used to tackle a variety of problems. To do so, take the following steps:

  • Remove the power cable from your WYZE gadget. Both approaches work, whether from the switchboard or the cam.
  • Allow for at least 10-15 seconds for the camera to totally discharge.
  • Restart the gadget by plugging it back into the power supply.

3.     What is the best way to power cycle a WYZE Cam V2?

Cycling at a high intensity It’s the same with WYZE Cam V2 as it is with any other WYZE camera. If you’ve tried power cycling it multiple times and then still didn’t communicate to your WYZE Cam V2, you’ll ought to Hard Reset it. The Cam handbook contains an easy method of Hard Resetting.

4.     Procedure for powering off a WYZE outside the camera?

You just need to follow these steps which we mentioned below:

  • Remove the hook from your WYZE outside Cam.
  • Disconnect the batteries, wait at least 2 minutes, then reinstall them.
  • Wait at least 15 seconds before turning it on.
  • It should be performing wonderfully.

5.     How do I remotely power cycle a WYZE camera?

To power cycle your WYZE camera from a distance, follow these steps:

  • Select your WYZE camera first from the list in the WYZE App.
  • Turn it off.
  • It’s a good idea to turn off the power switch (if it is remotely controllable.) If you don’t want to be extra cautious, skip this step.
  • After waiting at least 15 minutes, restart it.
  • As expected, it ought to be reset.

However, if the camera becomes entirely hung up, a remote restart will never function. Add a smart switch in between the camera power supply and the outlet to address this problem. It won’t set you back more than $10.

The problem will continue if the local Wi-Fi signals are absent or poor. However, the final alternative is to look into the Connectivity-Troubleshooting option.


At the end of the article, we have summarized the best helpful solution about How to power cycle Wyze camera, which will be resolved all issues. If you still don’t get a solution which you need, you can also do more research about it as well as see more guides.

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