The progress of technology has been amazing in many ways for businesses, but there are drawbacks as well. The more we migrate our work into the digital world, the more benefits we receive – but the more threats we leave ourselves open to as well.

Not yet worried? Maybe you should be. The more you learn about certain cybercrime statistics, the more you’ll become aware of just how serious the online threats that face each of us really are.

Why might you want to invest more in cybersecurity for your business? The below statistics will give you a strong reason to consider this move. Read on.

1. Cybercriminals Steal Trillions a Year

Who says that crime doesn’t pay? 

The annual revenue accrued by hackers, online thieves, and cybercriminals is likely much higher per year than you ever could have imagined. On average, nearly $2 trillion dollars is collected by criminals online over the course of one, single calendar year.

That’s more than the combined GDP of most of the countries on the planet.

Secrets theft alone accounts for nearly $500 billion worth of illegal, criminal revenue. That gives you a sense of how just how prevalent and profitable crimes on the web really are – and should give you a sense of how much is really at stake. 

2. Companies Take Too Long to Respond

How do cybercriminals take so much profit from companies and individuals all around the world? One of the reasons is that our defenses are far too low.

On average, it takes an organization almost an entire year before they even realize that there has been a data breach in their system. Over the course of an average of 206 days, hackers can be accessing data, finances, trade secrets, communications, and more.

No wonder problems like this are so serious and prevalent! Some increased investment in security could go a long way. One of the many benefits of IT risk management is that it can help to prevent this kind of disaster from occurring. 

3. Crime Every Few Seconds

A truly shocking statistic courtesy of Cybersecurity Ventures? The average business will face an attempted hack or phishing attack every ten seconds. That’s a near-constant negative force coming at your business almost every second of its existence. 

That’s a lot to defend yourself against, but it does give you a sense of just how steep the level of risk is for a business these days. If you aren’t taking the proper steps to protect yourself, there’s a good chance you’ll lose something to one of these numerous attacks.

After all, at a certain point, it becomes a numbers game. The only way to win the game is to take every precaution possible.

Cybercrime Statistics You Should Know

If you’re running a business of any shape or size in the modern era, it’s essential that you’re in the know about current cybercrime trends. Cyber attacks are far too common, as the above cybercrime statistics clearly demonstrate.

Need more advice or information pertaining to business cybersecurity? Keep scrolling our blog for more.

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