
Invisalign is a dental braces treatment that rectifies tooth arrangements and other teeth problems like small tooth gaps. Traditional Invisalign is a collection of transparent plastic whitening trays tailored to transition patients’ teeth into their optimal alignment.

The orthodontist offers a complete set of aligner trays every two weeks to ensure that the procedure is improving. Patients must wear the Invisalign for 20 to 22 hours daily. For people worried about the effect of teeth straightening forms of treatment on their looks and personality, Invisalign clear aligners can be a substitute for braces.

However, there are a couple of widespread misunderstandings about Invisalign that may be stopping you from using them.

  1.  Invisalign is not for kids

Invisalign was created to be a specific and suitable option for grown-ups who had not initially thought of dental treatment. Older teenagers who require additional straightening may prefer Invisalign over typical braces. They are usually catered by the Invisalign teen, which is similar to the standard system, but the whitening trays also aid in the ongoing growth of the teeth and jaws. An inclusion of wear markers that prove whether the patient has been putting on their aligners as prescribed. It aims to guarantee cooperation and accurate efficiency in a dental procedure.

  1.  Invisalign fixing duration takes time

Invisalign has succeeded in operating more quickly than braces. However, your Invisalign treatment period will be estimated based on whether you put on your aligners for the advised 22 hours daily. Straightening teeth with Invisalign takes around 12 to 18 months. Aligners can handle Milder problems for six months or even less.

If you take your aligners out more regularly, they might cause your treatment time to be prolonged. Oral health conditions, like gum disease, also tamper with a dental procedure, so it’s vital to start practicing dental hygiene.

  1.  Braces are more impactful than Invisalign

Invisalign cannot treat all kinds of dental problems but can be as efficient as traditional braces for widely known alignment issues and curved or cluttered teeth. For example, you can use a computer vision application to see how the smile will appear after recovery. Since Invisalign aligners are detachable, they need more patient compliance than a static brace.

  1.  Invisalign can only correct minor orthodontic issues

With continuing advancements in technology, Invisalign can now treat the majority of prevalent asymmetry and also more severe problems when a competent Invisalign dentist monitors the treatment.

It depends on whether you have an underbite or any other complicated alignment issues with your teeth.

  1.  Invisalign is intensely painful

The detachable aligners used by Orthodontics are structured to be gentle, smooth, and comfy on the teeth. However, trays can be unsettling at first, but they quickly become habitual. They are generally more distressing during the first days of a new tray set. If your Invisalign treatment becomes more painful than expected, set a date with the orthodontics to have your aligners customized.

  1.  Invisalign is costly

Invisalign treatment may seem so pricey due to the cost of developing and creating your tailored aligners, but the total cost of your procedure is precisely equivalent to braces. Price is also highly reliant on the period you will wear your whitening trays and the type of service you pick.

  1.  It’s far too suffocating to wear

Aligner trays nullify the need for wires and braces to straighten your tooth enamel when contrasted to other orthodontic treatments. Clear aligners prevent food particles from being stagnant in your teeth.

  1.  No need to wear a retainer after Invisalign treatment

Invisalign specialist does not nullify the need to wear a retainer, as it helps maintain your fresh, perfectly straight smile. A retainer is a device that contains your teeth in place. Based on the quantity of straightening done, you may be able to qualify for a wire retainer or a clear one.

Invisalign is a fantastic orthodontic solution that works quite well like traditional braces. It has a lot of benefits, one being its presentation. These aligners are crafted of clear, strong plastic that is barely noticeable. Thus you can smile without being embarrassed. The aligners are accurately made to fit your teeth without protruding metal brackets that can end up causing gum disease.

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