CPAP Machine

**remove KW: Philips’ popular DreamStation 1 device failed FDA emissions testing **

If you have been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea, you probably know that there are multiple treatment options available. One of the most common treatment options is CPAP. The stands for continuous positive airway pressure, and there is a machine that is responsible for keeping your airway open as you sleep. At the same time, there are some issues that could develop with a CPAP machine. It is important for you to work with a doctor who can help you find the right treatment option to meet your needs. For example, you may not realize that Philips’ popular DreamStation 1 device failed FDA emissions testing. Some CPAP machines have even been made with a specific foam called PE-PUR that has been linked to certain types of cancer. How do you know if your CPAP machine gave you cancer?

The Most Common Signs of Cancer

First, it is important to be familiar with some of the most common signs of cancer. Some of the most common signs include:

  • Cancer takes place when cells begin to divide out of control. As a result, they will be using a lot of your nutrition, meaning that you may start to lose weight.
  • If you have cancer, you may start to develop unexplained aches and pains.
  • Cancer commonly presents with unexplained fevers as well. If you are running a fever, but you do not have an infection, it could be a sign of cancer. 
  • Cancer can also cause you to sweat through your sheets at night. If you consistently have to replace your sheets in the morning because you sweat through them, it might be a sign of cancer. 

Keep in mind that there are lots of other illnesses that can cause many of the symptoms above. That is why you need to work with a doctor who can review your situation and see if it is truly caused by cancer. 

Get Your CPAP Machine Checked

The specific type of foam in certain CPAP machines has been linked to several different types of cancer. Common examples include liver cancer, lung cancer, kidney cancer, and certain other types of cancer. Just because you have cancer doesn’t necessarily mean it came from your CPAP machine. After visiting your doctor, you need to collect your medical records. That way, you can figure out exactly what type of cancer you have.

Then, you need to get your CPAP machine examined. A professional will have to take a look at the CPAP machine to see if that specific type of foam is indeed in your machine. Finally, you will need to reach out to a lawyer who can establish a causal link between your CPAP machine and the type of cancer with which you have been diagnosed. You should always rely on a professional who can help you. 

Reach Out to a Professional Who Can Help You

Ultimately, it can be devastating if you have received a diagnosis of cancer, and it can be even more frustrating if you realize that it came from a machine that was supposed to keep you healthy. If you believe that your CPAP machine is making you ill, you need to reach out to a doctor as quickly as possible. That way, you can undergo a comprehensive evaluation. Then, if you receive a diagnosis of cancer, you must make sure your CPAP machine is thoroughly inspected. If your CPAP machine is responsible for your illness, you might be entitled to compensation that can replace lost income and cover your medical expenses. After speaking to your doctor, you should reach out to a lawyer to learn more. 

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