If it were not for paper tubes in items like toilet paper, paper towels, clear film, mailing and packaging, and many other products, everything would be folded.  This could be frustrating when trying to use the product quickly.  A paper tube is not generally a topic of discussion, but it could be a good source of conversation when the creative mind wants to experiment with finding uses for the tube once it is empty.  One of the most frequent uses of empty paper tubes is in the school classroom.  Teachers have found many ways to do interesting projects with paper tubes.  For children, the fun is in collecting them to take to school for various projects, or spending time playing with them at home.

These paper tubes that the world depends on without actually realizing it, can easily be made at home with paper and glue.  The magnitude at which paper tubes are needed requires that they be manufactured by paper tube manufacturers.   A myriad of these paper products can be found in one home alone.  They usually have a specific space in homes, businesses, or recreational areas that holds these cylinders in place.  There is no mistaking what the holders are for.  Paper tubes consist of layers of paperboard sheets wound together to form strong hollow cylindrical shapes.

The innermost layer, the liner, and the outermost layer of a paper tube can consist of different materials or specialized paper.  There are basically two main types of paper tubes, and they are spiral wound and convolution wound paper tubes.  A convolution wound is used where crush resistance, high bond strength, and dynamic strength are required.  Manufacturers can customize and design paper tubes to meet the requirements of the individual making special requests.  This, of course, is slightly different from a paper tube that is made by someone who takes pleasure in doing it themselves.  This can be done in four easy steps.

  • Step 1 – Get rolls of paper together.  The thicker the paper tube is going to be, the more layers of paper will be required
  • Step 2 – Glue the paper together.  This allows the paper tube to keep its form
  • Step 3 is to wind the plies of paper around the mandrel.  A winder is a machine that gathers the plies and wraps them around the mandrel
  • Step 4 is cutting the paper tube.  Some manufacturers use saws for this process, but by doing it yourself, you can use a knife

Paper tubes can be handy to have around the house, especially if there is a small child around who can make a toy out of the most unusual object.  They will become fascinated with this cylinder object just as school-age children are when it comes to bringing them to school for projects.  The paper tubes are more than just throwaway items once they are empty, they can also be productive in the right hands.  Creative gifts can also be a product of paper tubes.

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