centralized lubrication system

Any lubrication program must include the maintenance of properly oiled machinery. You may need to spend huge bucks on machine repair if lubrication is not applied at the proper intervals and in sufficient volume. To avoid these issues, you can use a centralized lubrication system (CLS). With the help of in-built programmable timers, lubricant pumps, and injectors, it is typically employed to lubricate all parts of machinery appropriately at particular times. This blog post details the basics of a centralized lubrication system and how to select one for your needs.

Centralized Lubrication System: An overview

Introduced back in the 1930s, it is widely used to this date. The technology-focused on fixing viscous lubricant flow difficulties, like grease, in order to distribute the fluid to its intended locations. The latest version of CLS comes with precise delivery approaches widely applicable. As the procedure of lubricant dispensing is fully or partially digitized, CLS is frequently recalled as an automatic lubrication system. When multiple components on various machines need to be lubricated, these technologies remove the chance of human error and improve precision.

How to select a CLS?

CLS can be customized as per the application’s needs. The customizable components are lubricant pumps and injectors. They are chosen based on the weight of the lubricant and how long it has to circulate (distance) to lube points. The pump and injector selection is affected by lubricant weight and supply-line distance due to the time an injector needs to vent followed by the injection.

Visual inspections of most CLS are possible to secure functional status. Other parts that can help the general diagnostics of a CLS should be addressed considering the complex nature of these systems. Enhanced control and accessory monitoring widgets are among them.

If you can afford these accessories, you can buy otherwise only consider them if they are necessary to add to the reliability of your existing CLS. Negligence is probable during routine maintenance as there exist chances of human error. This risk can be reduced with the use of monitoring devices. On customizing CLS, you may choose parts that necessitate fewer monitoring tools as compared to others. For instance, in the case of a progressive metering valve, you need an alarm to target a single metering piston for determining the functioning of the remaining. It is due to the positive hydraulic actuation.

Take Away!

When you have assessed your needs, you can jump into the market to have your customized CLS. You can also buy from already available components in the market either online or by visiting the outlets.

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