
There are thousands of road traffic accidents that happen every single day. While accidents are never pleasant, if you’re at fault it can be a lot worse.

Accidents can have a significant impact on your life. They can be fatal, and they can leave you injured with extensive medical costs that might not be covered by insurance. It is always best to take care of the situation as soon as possible.

This article is meant to be a general guideline on what you should do in the event of an accident.

Is Driving Dangerous?

Driving isn’t inherently dangerous, but it is risky in the sense that it is somewhat out of your control.

With that in mind, here is what you should do if you have been involved in an accident.

Bring Your Car To A Stop

The first thing you will want to do is stop your vehicle. You don’t want to cause further damage to yourself or others by continuing to drive with the damage to your car.

If the car is still driveable, find a safe place to pull over, but if it isn’t, you’ll need to exit the vehicle and get yourself to a safe place.

Call The Emergency Services

When you have stopped the car and are in a safe place, it is time to call the emergency services. This should be done regardless of whether or not you feel like you’ve been injured.

If someone else has been injured as a result of the collision, that person may need immediate medical attention. Make sure to call an ambulance immediately if someone else is injured.

The operator will ask how many people are hurt, how severely they are hurt, and what they need. They will dispatch an emergency vehicle to your location based on your answers. You want to be as clear and specific as possible with them so that they can send the right type of response for your particular circumstances.

Take Details And Photos

It can be difficult to remember details in the midst of an accident and the panic that follows. This is why it is important to record as much information as possible, starting with:

  • Your name, address and contact information.
  • Information about the other driver involved.
  • The license plate number of vehicles involved in the accident.
  • Any other information about the time, location and circumstances surrounding the accident.

If you have a smartphone, taking pictures of the damage to vehicles might be a good idea too.

Insurance companies and accident lawyers like Horst Shewmaker will be able to use the photos as evidence should you need to process a claim.

Get In Touch With Your Emergency Contact

If you’re in a situation that may be dangerous, it’s worth giving your own emergency contact a call.

You may not feel like you’re in any real danger, but the accident could have had a much different outcome. It is always better to be safe than sorry.

Give your closest person a call and let them know what has happened and if you need any assistance.

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