Gardener holding electric hedge trimmer to cut the treetop in garden.

Flail mower blades are a type of lawn mowing equipment. They are short metal pieces that are attached to a wheeled axle and spun at high speeds. It is used to cut grass, weeds, brush, and other debris. Unlike brush hogs, flail mowers provide a clean, smooth, and uniform cut.

There are two main types of flail mowers: Y-blades and hammer blades. While Y-blades are good for a clean and neat cut, hammer blades are better suited for cutting brambles.

Both types are ideal for cutting grass, but Y-blades are better suited for taller weeds. Hammer blades are heavier, and designed for cutting thicker materials.

Besides cutting grass, flail mowers are ideal for pruning orchards, hedgerows, and other hard-to-cut areas. Their wide, reversible blades and adjustable rear rollers make it easy to mow a variety of surfaces.

Aside from the obvious safety benefits, flail mower blades offer a smooth and clean finish to the grass you cut. When it comes to choosing a flail mower, you should consider the type of material you will be mowing and how much horsepower it will require.

If you are mowing a dense, tall, or heavy grass, then you will need a lot of horsepower. Flail mowers are also well-suited for mowing tall or dense shrub areas. You can adjust the height of your flail mower to about a half inch.

You can also get flail mowers that have caster wheels. This makes the mower physically longer, which allows for easier side-to-side maneuvering. Caster wheels are also good for pressing down on material.

New patents as the rotary mower entirely hydraulically powered as well as the recovery shift made with special probe.
In 1980 thanks to special agreements with important turf equipment manufacturing companies the PERUZZO engineer the first Flail Mower with collector for Sports and Public Amenities Turf Maintenance.
Always careful to customers and professional contractors needs PERUZZO manufacture heavy duty flail mower with big capacity collector for cutting high grass and wood branches.
The Peruzzo produced the new and unique Turf Maintenance Equipment with patented high grass discharge that gives many advantages.
The PERUZZO presents in 1989 since 30 years for its establishment the most complete Flail Mowers range among European competitors for Professional Turf Maintenance.
The Peruzzo divide the Zootechny production from the Turf Maintenance Machinery founding the PERUZZO SRL cociety with Adriano Peruzzo sons Roberto and Lorenzo.
PERUZZO engineered and patented a new Paddle Flail that perform a perfect grass cutting, verticutting and collecting in the same time that brought Peruzzo popular among professional Turf Equipment users.
Nowadays the PERUZZO SRL strengthened its sales on the Turf Maintenance Equipment reaching excellent quality well known among our 80 importers worldwide. We export the 85% of our production.

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