Why Mac not Recognizing External Microphone

Why Mac not Recognizing External Microphone

There are many Built-in microphones that are available on Apple MacBook and so many desktop Macs. Headsets and other microphones can be connected by USB, 3.5mm audio connector, or Bluetooth. In this article, we will share the solutions to fix when Mac not recognizing external microphone.

Solutions to do when Mac not recognizing external microphone

There are many solutions that are helpful to recognize the external microphone, but we mentioned the short and easy solution, which does not take more time. So let’s focus on it.

●    Find the microphone your Mac uses

It’s essential to know which microphone your computer has used in order to successfully fix microphone issues.

One of the following will be used by your Mac:

  • Any MacBook or iMac that comes with an internal microphone.
  • An external USB microphone is self-powered and can easily connect straight to a USB port.
  • External 3.5mm microphone: First, connect to the microphone connection on your computer or to a second audio interface, which may require more power.
  • AirPods or another Bluetooth headset: wirelessly connect to the Mac.

You can proceed to the next step if you need to use your Mac’s internal microphone. Connect a USB microphone straight to your Mac when you’re using one (avoid using a hub).

Unless you’re using a wired microphone with a 3.5mm stereo connector, ensure sure it’s plugged into the correct port and that it doesn’t need any power (it won’t function otherwise).

Finally, go to System Preferences > Bluetooth and pair your AirPods or Bluetooth headset. If your Bluetooth adapter isn’t working, click the “X” next to it in the “Devices” column to unpair it. Then try pairing it up again.

It’s time to take a look at the audio options once you’re sure your selected microphone is connected and turned on.

●    Make sure the Sound Input Settings are correct

Mismatched sound input is a major source of microphone issues. Select “Input” from the “Input” tab in System Preferences > Sound. You must see a list of sound-producing devices containing (hopefully) the microphones you would like to use.

Select a device to activate it, like “Internal Microphone.” If it all works as planned, the columns next to “Input Level” will fill up as you respond.

If nothing appears, try increasing the “Input Volume” slider and speaking again. Your Mac will not detect any noise if the slider is set too low.

Select “AirPods” from the selection if you wish to utilize your AirPods as a microphone. Choose an audio connection from the menu if you’re using one.

You may also find listings for other programmes you’ve installed, such as “Soundflower” or “Aggregate Device,” but you don’t like to use them right now.

It’s a good sign if somehow the “Input Level” indicator moves, but further troubleshooting may be required to get things operating properly.

●    Examine the Permissions for Using a Microphone

Apple’s enhanced permissions scheme is another major source of microphone issues. It prohibits apps from reaching the microphone unless you permit them. When apps seek access to the microphone, you should receive a message asking you to allow or refuse the request.

If you refuse the request, the software will be unable to access the microphone on your computer. Denying apps permission to access your hardware unless you’re sure they require it to work correctly is a good idea.

Select “Microphone” from the sidebar of System Preferences > Security and Privacy > Privacy. A menu of apps that have asked permission to your microphone should appear. Any that you’ve authorized will have a checkbox next to it, whereas those that you’ve declined won’t.

Select the Padlock icon in the lower-left corner (or Touch ID or Apple Watch prompt) to verify your admin password. Next, by selecting or unchecking the boxes beside the apps, you can allow or deny permission as needed.



Many people are worried when Mac not recognizing external microphone. In this article, we have compiled the solutions and tricks which will be very helpful to resolve this issue. Also, if your external microphone is still not recognized by Mac, we suggest you take more research or ask the experts as well.

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