Why Do People Eat Corn Starch?

Why Do People Eat Corn Starch? Is it beneficial for your body? And what are some other features of this product? In this article, we will try to answer all these questions. So, keep reading.

Corn starch is a frequent guest in the kitchens of our country. It is often added to baked goods, sauces, and other dishes, using it as a thickener. And therefore, it is essential to choose a quality product. What should it be? First, pay attention to the color: white, slightly yellowish, uniform. And secondly, corn starch should not have a pronounced taste and smell. It all depends on the good faith of the supplier and, ultimately, the manufacturer.

Why Do People Eat Corn Starch?

Why Do People Eat Corn Starch?

The beneficial effect of offal on human immunity has been proven. It leads to the growth of muscle mass, strengthens the body, and helps prevent the development of inflammatory and infectious processes. A positive effect is also manifested in the regular nourishment of nerve cells, which leads to the removal of protracted depressive states, calming down.

  • blood vessels and heart;
  • genitourinary system;
  • gallbladder;
  • kidneys.

This product effectively and positively affects the body with anemia, chronic or periodic hypertension, excessive swelling. The lack of gluten allows the use of starch derived from corn kernels for the preparation of dietary meals. Let’s note the following positive properties of this product:

  • removes toxins and toxins from the body;
  • stabilizes the state of blood vessels and blood clotting;
  • exhibits choleretic, diuretic and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • increases appetite;
  • significantly reduces cholesterol levels;
  • promotes weight loss;
  • eliminates skin problems.

Unusual properties

  • It can swell not only in the cold but also in hot water without changing its chemical composition.
  • Water-infused cornstarch (2: 1) can be used as invisible ink. To show what is written – use an aqueous solution of iodine in a ratio of 1:10 (iodine: water).

Cooking applications

In cooking, corn starch is used as a natural thickener: it is used to make jelly, mayonnaise, ketchup, puddings, and various pastries. It is also added to pancake doughs, gravies and various sauces with a delicate texture. 
In addition, cornstarch is gluten-free, which means it can be used for cooking by people diagnosed with celiac disease.

Table: Chemical composition (per 100 g of product)

The popularity of corn starch is due to its special composition and low-calorie content. The content of the various components can be seen in the table.

Calorie content381 kcal
Protein0.26 g
Fats0.05 g
Carbohydrates91.27 g
Alimentary fiber0.9 g
Vitamin B4, choline0,4 mg
Potassium, K3 mg
Calcium, Ca2 mg
Magnesium, Mg3 mg
Sodium, Na9 mg
Phosphorus, Ph13 mg
Iron, Fe0.47 mg
Manganese, Mn0.053 mg
Copper, Cu50 mcg
Selenium, Se2.8 μg
Omega-6 fatty acids0.025 g

What is the difference between potato and corn starches?

Corn is less viscous; with it, the products will turn out to be more tender and juicier. Therefore, it is more often used for making desserts, sauces, baked goods, any products with a smoother texture. On the other hand, potato starch is more suitable for making sausages, minced meat, noodles, and shortcrust pastry. 

How to replace cornstarch? 

For this, products that have the same properties are suitable: gelatin, agar-agar, and potato starch (the latter will be required 2 times less than corn starch).

Application in medicine

Cornstarch helps to improve the condition of blood vessels and the immune system. People struggling with diabetes are advised to add it to their diet since this product can control blood sugar levels!

Traditional medicine recipes

For hypertension

Treatment of hypertension is possible with the use of the component in question. You will need to dilute twenty grams of starch in 100 ml of warm water and drink the resulting mixture at a time. The course of treatment is fourteen days.

From gastrointestinal disorders

If you have diarrhea or another gastrointestinal disorder, take one hundred milliliters of boiling water and pour in one tablespoon of prepared corn raw material. Then add a few drops of iodine and drink the remedy in one go. The resulting medicine will quickly eliminate the negative manifestations of the disease.

For inflammation in the gallbladder

It is possible to eliminate inflammation in the gallbladder if you take 300 ml of water and pour 30 grams of starch. Stir the resulting product and take ten grams daily (preferably three times a day). The course of treatment is seven to ten days (depending on the nature of the inflammation and the intensity of its manifestations).

From bruises

Cornstarch will help to cope with bruises and bruises if you put a compress of two tablespoons of raw materials dissolved in one spoonful of warm water on the problem area. The product is used every three hours and kept until the compress dries. Already after a day of procedures, the result becomes noticeable.

Also Read:
How Quickly Must Non Frozen Ready-To-Eat Foods Be Consumed?

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