How Old Do You Have To Be To Buy Lighters?

In most of the countries, lighters are not sold to everyone. Why is it so? How Old Do You Have To Be To Buy Lighters? Keep reading the article to know these answers.

How Old Do You Have To Be To Buy Lighters?

You need to be more than 18+ to buy a lighter. It is noted that the law banning the sale of lighters was introduced at the request of parents, representatives of the medical community, and law enforcement agencies. But why?

How Old Do You Have To Be To Buy Lighters

Reasons behind the lighter ban

Substance abuse is the same disease as alcoholism and drug addiction. In children, it begins with the abuse of some psychoactive substance: glue, gasoline, household gas, or something else. Sniffing is a type of substance abuse – in this case, teenagers inhale household gas. 

If earlier gasoline vapors or glue were popular, now it is the turn of lighters and tourist cylinders, sold on every corner. They usually contain a standard set – propane, butane, isobutane. These gases are inhaled almost as easily as ordinary air – human receptors react to an increased amount of carbon dioxide, but not to propane-butane. Therefore, a teenager can easily breathe, and the body will not put obstacles to it. When inhaled, these gases displace oxygen, which ultimately causes hypoxia in the brain – oxygen starvation.

Children begin to use gas for pleasure. When using gas, psychedelic effects occur – leading to oblivion, fantasies, hallucinations. As a result, short-term euphoria may occur. Gas is highly addictive. Household gas is a psychoactive substance; that is, it immediately affects the human brain. Most often, this is done by children who lack positive emotions.

Moreover, lighter is the first step towards smoking. So, keep it away from your children.

How can parents recognize when a child is breathing gas, glue, etc.? 

Teenagers 11-15 years old are most often addicted to substance abuse after school, hiding in secluded places, or doing it at home while their parents are still at work.

However, it is still possible to identify children who are addicted to “gas addiction” with sufficient care, and its signs are as follows:

  1. First, a strong smell of the substance from the child’s clothes and hair is immediately felt (the smell of gas, etc.).
  2. Secondly, you need to pay attention to the complexion: if it is red, it is quite possible that the child could breathe. 
  3. Thirdly, after the use of this or that narcotic substance, the pupils of all people dilate. After the gas, the child usually behaves like a drunk, but you will not smell alcohol. 
  4. You also need to pay attention to the mental state: if your child is overexcited or behaves aggressively, or, on the contrary, lethargy, and apathy appear, this can also be a sign of using something narcotic. 
  5. In addition, after intoxication, the child may experience nausea, vomiting, dizziness up to the loss of consciousness. 

Disadvantages of Lighters for children and teenagers

Hypoxia is not good in the long run. Even if you breathe gas once, it can seriously harm the nervous system – neurons die, and a person simply loses mental abilities. And if you do this constantly, then the brain and a healthy psyche may not recover. But not only a lack of oxygen is harmful: the volatile substances contained in any lighter also affect the central nervous system, disrupting blood microcirculation and killing cells. You can easily die from this. 

If the “dose” is too large, death can occur from suffocation, edema of the brain, lungs, respiratory paralysis, blockage of the airways with vomit. So it is not without reason that public figures demand that the sale of lighters and gas cylinders to teenagers be limited as soon as possible. 

Dear parents, only you can save your children! Think about it, if your child does not drink or smoke, this does not mean that there is no cause for concern. Let your child be always in sight. You need to be aware of where he is, what he does after school, and what his friends are. Explain the danger of the gas, report deaths from inhalation of the gas. Perhaps this will stop your child from the offer to “breathe”!

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